How to win a war against Azerbaijan

Our military is quite limited. It has neither huge personnel nor modern weapons for the most part. They are capable of holding a front of course, but without additional resources for counter offensive, war becomes just holding a front and gradually retreating. You can forget about initiative and victory. The question is just how bitter your defeat will be.

So what to do? There is just one answer here - Garrison State.
There should be two big types of civilian militia, the one that holds it's city/region/neighborhood, and the one that can carry out military operations along with the army.

Think about Ukraine for a minute. They would have lost the war in a matter of weeks, if it weren't for their armed militias. Think for a minute about the overwhelming advantage Russia had during the first month. They did not got a lot during that period, and yet they successfully resisted the enemy. So don't tell me about Azeris drones for gods sake.

It is very much achievable. The only question is - are you ready to fight, or not?