Guests lack common sense: why we are switching to stainless steel cookware
The adventures of hosting! Guests and their lack of common sense never cease to amaze me.
All of our cooking utensils are wood, silicone, or plastic, but somehow 2 full 15 piece sets of high quality non-stick cookware have been destroyed in a little over 4 years.
Our best guess is people are using the silverware to cook, serve, or taste? We are really well stocked with everything you need to cook and more, so it really makes so sense.
I legitimately thought it was common knowledge that you don’t use metal on nonstick, and that not providing metal cooking utensils would prevent this problem. I was very wrong!
I know people likely don’t know how to cook on stainless steel, so will give some tips on our info sheet. It’s not hard to clean even when stuff burns, and minor discoloration is normal, but can be fixed with vinegar.
Still confused how someone burned a good 1/5 of a wooden spoon. It’s a flat top stove!
Cost of doing business, I know, but I had to vent.