What’s to come…

I just wanted to open this thread to discuss the very real possibility and now probability that Coach Ben will die. And I fear they are going to eat him alive as a punishment due to all the talks about extensive gore this season and the already hive mind mentality about his presumed guilt.

My question is - how will we as an audience be able to sympathize/empathize with the main YJ cast if this is in fact the route they do take? I believe Coach Ben is innocent of the fire and that it was most likely Other Tai. So how could we (audience) have any remorse or sympathy if they go to the extreme of eating someone alive?

I love this series but I would be hard-pressed to root for our main cast if they end up doing this. I hope they don’t, but it seems plausible. Thoughts? Am I going crazy? Or could this be reality in the coming episodes?