Already a bit into the Gathering Storm, so here's some guesses!

I always see that veteran readers enjoy seeing new readers predictions, so here you go, I hope you're satisfied by my random intuitions:

I'm using a term: 'icing' to refer to when the books mention something again and again, leading me to think it will have a significant impact in the future, example being the Horn of Valere and the Great Hunt being 'iced' all throughout Eye of the World. (Although I definitely didn't catch it at the time. It just told me that Robert Jordan knows how to do that well). The "cherry" will be the significant moment it all led to, like finding the Horn of Valere in the Eye of the World

In TGS, I'm specifically right after the first Mat chapter, if you'd like to head out to avoid spoilers. Feel free to come back later!

-Galina has a hit mark by Rand and Perrin separately. I'm guessing Mat ends up giving the final blow to her.

-3 taaveren boys unite right before Last Battle starts. Nynaeve with them and gives them some sort of low key motivating speech that hits hard for the 3 boys.

-I think Demandred's leading the Sea Folk somehow. It's the last force I can think of that hasnt been infiltrated by Forsaken, other than Boarderlanders, but i think thats a mislead.

-Two Rivers sharpshooting has been iced for forever now, and I don't think the cherry was just for Perrins Shaido attack. I think its gonna come back to Mat, whos main weapon started as the bow, whos going to have to snipe something in the Final Battle, maybe the last Dark One Seal, that i just learnt they need to break.

-Thom used to be fifth Great Captain. Pedron Nial, Bashere, Bryne and Ituralde have all been named already, leaving one left. Thoms secret past has been iced and iced all series, and even though we already know his Morgase history, I think there's still more there.

-Auto Darkfriending with the One Power was mentioned in the early books, then not talked about for so long, I think it's gonna bite the Light Side in the butt at the last minute. I actually suspect that might be what happens to the Red Ambassadors at the Black Tower. The idea of conversion was brought up in regards to saidar users, but there with Mazrim Taim are a bunch of evil saidin users, who I assume can do it to. Pevarra has been iced about hating Darkfriends, so her being converted would be satisfyingly aggravating.

-Rand and the Ashaman need to be taught by Cadsuane the kind of surrendering to use saidar, to guide not push.

-Olver will either have the ability to use the One Power, or be a Darkfriend. Either one, and it's gonna break Mats heart.

Perhaps I'll put more in the comments if I remember them