I bough plague bearers, what should I do?
So, for the past few days, I’ve been searching around on different second-hand websites to find some miniatures to finally make my first army. At first, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to go for (I probably should have thought it through before going on a shopping spree). In the end, I landed on Tyranids, but in my first purchase, I bought an assembled Broodlord and ten Plaguebearers still in their sprues. However, now that I’ve started collecting Tyranids, I don’t really have much use for them. I’m not really sure what to do with them, so I’ll probably just sell them. I’ve been contemplating painting them first to get a better value, but maybe I’ll just keep them for myself. They could technically be used in D&D or for Kitbashing, but still, I’m not sure what the right call is. Maybe I could get some advice here on this dilemma.