New player "dealing" with Lich, BEFORE The New War

Put plainly, it SUCKS!!!!
I have to go through so much content, just to be able to DEAL with it!!! It looks like FIVE different quests...including The New War!!!!!! And from what I understand, I have to continue to deal with it until I get a weapon that I want BUT, I have to build an operator weapon to be able to defeat it.

Meanwhile it keeps taking over new planets...and taking more of my rewards each time I complete a mission, on each planet it takes over!!

Does that sound fair for NEW players!?!?!? Because right now, I don't think it does.
<end rant>

EDIT: Ok, with all the help I've been given here and the additional research I've looked into myself, I'm understanding this Lich "issue" more. I won't delete this post (to hide my ignorance) as I think the help and info here is too valuable!