Privileged White Men have been and still are destroying the planet.
Think about it. Who is behind all this? EVERYHTING. From fucked up climate, to millions of Americans losing health care and a somewhat decent place to live. HELL, ANY PLACE TO LIVE for that matter. Ive been looking for 6 months. all over the fkin place from Colorado to Michigan. There isn't shit out there. Unless you have $1500+ a month JUST for rent. Yes I am aware that Colorado isn't a good example since its the most expensive place to live in this shit ass country.
And before you tell me to leave. its that easy. FUCKING TRY IT YOURSELF.
You have to have tons of really good work experience. A good current job. Good credit. Good rental history. No disabilities. Whatever. so yea. the 1% can afford to leave. yet they dont. They just make it impossible for the 99% to live.
Then you have Musk and Bezos doing SUPER dumb fucking shit. Not to mention were burning holes in our Ozone so ppl can LOOK at space for a fucking minute for how much money?
I dont even watch the news anymore. Its been years. I get enough bullshit from other sources.
Let the flaming begin I guess.