I'm sick and tired of people telling virgins that sex is overrated.
I'm tired of hearing over and over again that sex is overrated, especially when it's said to people who haven't yet had the opportunity to experience it. Seriously?
It's easy for someone who has already had sex to say it's not a big deal. But what about someone who hasn't had any experience at all?
I thought we all agreed that sex and relationships are important parts of life, maybe not the most important thing, but important, Maybe you won't die if you don't have sex, or a girlfriend, or a fwb, but it's like a mental need to be able to feel capable of attracting someone and liking someone to the point that that person wants to get naked with you, and the act itself is enjoyable. Don't give me that bullshit that sex is almost like jerking off, I'm not an idiot, for a reason most people (even people who come to say that all that is overrated) seek to have those experiences and nobody wants to die without experiencing that but all I hear is people saying "ooh But why is it so important?"? what's wrong with being a virgin???" GOD NO ONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND IT
I'm not saying it's the most important thing in the world, but you shouldn't downplay it either. I understand that some people may have negative experiences or simply aren't interested in sex, and that's perfectly valid. But there's a big difference between that and generalizing and saying that "sex is overrated." I wish people would be more empathetic and respectful of others' experiences. It's not fair that people in my situation only receive cheap condescension like, "Oh, don't worry, you're not missing out on anything." REALLY? I know sex isn't everything, but I'm not stupid EITHER IT'S NOTHING.