it sucks realizing how rare empathy really is these days

ive been noticing is how its very rare to have someone actually be nice to me, just to be nice. i have been depressed for a long time and when i go out the small human interactions matter a lot to me. i always make sure to be kind as much as i can so i notice it a lot when theres so much who obviously just hate talking to me or hate their job. i would understand rudeness from cashiers, etc, if i was a rude or mean person. i think many times ppl just seem so apathetic and its a little disheartening sometimes.

another thing to mention is the amount of just hateful, negative comments online. maybe its just ragebait, but many questionable ones get so much likes that it is hard to believe something that bad could be made up. something i will never understand is all the blatant racism people will just spout. they will say some horrible, ignorant things but hate when someone is racist to them, or their family. it is all just so hypocritical to me, and it hurts to see.