Why is life so unfairly good for some people?
Some are born into wealth, blessed with perfect looks, gifted with intelligence, surrounded by loving families, and naturally skilled in ways that open every door for them. Meanwhile, others struggle—whether it’s with money, appearance, intelligence, relationships, or even the basic ability to navigate social situations.
As someone who was born into poverty, stuck with an average mind, a short stature, and raised by parents who destroyed my confidence and social skills, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of jealousy. On top of that, I was born with loads of minor abnormalities and have always struggled with fitness. No matter how hard some of us try, it feels like we’re always playing catch-up in a race we never even agreed to run.
I truly wish the best for everyone, but I can’t unsee how lucky some people are. It’s like life hands out blessings unevenly, and while some get an abundance, others are left to fight for scraps.