Girls swimsuits suck, and I hate wearing them.
I don't get why girls swimsuits are like pretty much like underwear when guys swimsuits look just like shorts.
No matter what I wear, they make me feel like I'm wearing underwear or nothing. Bikinis are pretty much like bras and undies, and I don't want to wear them around boys and other people. And one piece makes me look like I'm not wearing anything or wearing a leotard or something.
And, no matter what, it's pretty much like wearing just undies on the bottom.
If I say I don't want to change or I just want to stay inside, people are like "come on you will have fun once you are outside" or like "you are being a downer" "everyone else is having fun" :(
Why don't they just leave me alone? And, why do we only have swimsuits that are pretty much underwear??