Looking at myself from above

Please guys I need someone to explain this.. it’s been over 20 years and I still think about what happened. when I was 7 years old I experienced this twice on two different days but the exact same experience

I’m in my class in school , it’s reading class so the voices around me were calm and repetitive I used to find it very boring so I would just put my head on my book and listen to other kids reading calmly One day I did that and I started feeling that my head is spinning.. as I focus more into this feeling I slowly start seeing myself from above (like from another persons perspective, it begins very close to me and gets further and further away and I start seeing myself and my body with my head down on the book but the class is all dark and empty looks like an empty void I freak and aggressively pull my head from the disk to find myself still in my normal class.

What could this possibly mean? I’m sure it wasn’t a dream as it only took a couple of minutes to experience it and I did it again with intention but I freaked as well it only took a couple of seconds

I was never able to do it again