Unhappiness with CPSC 110

This evening, numerous students in CPSC 110 received emails of academic misconduct allegations from the CS department . An hour later, many of us received another email from the department that there was "an error in one of the scripts involved in sending out the misconduct messages". Although this is a mistake on the admin side, this is very serious and not acceptable, especially since the people running the course constantly search for cheaters. From a student view, it appears that the coordinators divert more energy into catching potential cheaters and instilling fear to innocent students than spending that time into making the course more enjoyable for students that want to enter the field. It's disrespectful for the students that don't violate any of the rules. I'm sure that everyone who received the false email felt miserable, as a record of cheating can completely change your life.

I also hope that the people who coded that dumb email script took CPSC 110 before getting that job, looks like your stuff failed a couple check-expects hey? Thanks for ruining a night that was supposed to be dedicated for other midterm studying!