are men put off by a lack of experience?

i’m approaching 25 and have never been in a relationship and have had some sexual experience long ago (high school and two sporadic hookups over thr past 2 years), but have not had full intercourse.

i’m planning to put myself back out there soon so i was wondering, have other late bloomers here found that men are put off by lack of dating & sexual experience? i’m bisexual and only have this concern when it comes to a man’s potential reaction for some reason. i just have a feeling women would be more forgiving especially since the reasons i haven’t dated at all are quite heavy (sexual trauma, emotional repression etc.) i’ve been out of the game so long i don’t know if people tend to ask about sexual/dating history? i already feel a little abnormal about these things. obviously a partner worthy of my time should not care but i’m curious about other’s experiences