My wife changed and now i feel betrayed.

My (36M) wife (35F) changed a lot since we met. we used to be best friends for years before we became a couple.

She was this how fun open minded goth chick. She was perfect.

About 2 years into the relationship and 7 years after we first met changes started to happen. she wanted to dress differently.More conservative, but i thought it was out of historical interest as she always has been a History buff.

over the years she became more prudish, less adventurous and just less fun. She was still lovely. and it was a slow change so i didn't recognize it.

there were hints to the true extent of her transformation but i didn't see them or realize what they meant.

Now we got two kids and she starts talking about catholocism as having catholic values. and she tells me that in a way you would as if you are sure your partner agrees.

She had some kind of religious awakening.

the thing is i dislike Religion, i am very much against their stuoid rules. but my wife pretty much follows them now. she no longer listens to our old music, our common interests are all gone.

it's like living with someone looking like the person you love, but it isn't the same person. like a monster that replaced her.

but if i confront her, she telly me how it is just a historic interest and she doesn't believe in it.

If it wasn't for the kids inwould have already filed for divorce.

Has anyone experience something like it, and got his partner to their old self again? Because i cannot take this shit.much longer.