I’m no longer sexually attracted to my boyfriend

My [28F] boyfriend [33M] and I no longer have sex like we used to. It was once every week and since last year, it became to maybe once every two months. We have been together for 2 years and last year was a struggle for me. I told him about my feelings and he said he would work on it. I always been the one with lower to medium libido in other relationships and I rarely initiate, he was high libido in his previous relationship and no compared to me he has lower libido and does not like that I initiate, it sets him off.. and if I initiate it sets us up back. I tried everything to help but every time he says it does not feel natural he has to be the one to initiate. He asks me to do things like touch him and like try to give him a bj, I tried but he gets too shy, or that is he is tired.

We had this talk many times and nothing changed. He no longer asks me to wear lingerie, sex is only in bed before sleeping, no foreplay and only in position he likes.

I told him I was sexually frustrated, I tried sexting but he is very shy although I had my best sex with him, he knows my body and makes me come a lot. I felt sexy, I felt wanted and I loved the intimacy.

Now every time I make a move ( mind you I am not initiating, I am just sexually teasing him, wearing sexy clothes, etc) I get shut down, he either ignores it or tells me he’s tired or not in the mood. I have been anticipating, missing having sex that I no longer want it. We love each other but there is no more flame between us, there is no teasing no sexy time no foreplay. I start to resent him for it. I no longer think about him sexually I no longer desire him, want him like I use to, I feel like I am being punished for enjoying myself, for trying to explore my sexuality and my body and now it berried my sexy side, and I always took pride on how I enjoyed my body, how I felt sexy and wanted, I no longer feel these things and it makes me sad and no longer confident.

Now I just cry when watching porn …