Terrified of becoming a parent

My boyfriend (he’s 28, I’m 26) has been mentioning kids not too much lately, but more than we’ve really talked about.

Im not going to share too many details since he does have a Reddit account.

We’ve been together almost 7 years, and I know we’ve briefly talked about it in the past and I have mentioned some of my fears but we haven’t sat down and really talked about it.

I used to be very “no kids, no marriage”, however more and more I’ve been changing my mind.

However, with kids it’s something different - I’m absolutely terrified of a future with kids.

  1. My mental and physical health are not great
  2. The changes to my body during pregnancy and what could happen during labor terrify me
  3. We do not have our own place (too expensive and we both have debt)
  4. I’m scared of what kind of parent I will be
  5. I know it’s silly but I would prefer if we were married first (I was bullied as a kid for being a ‘bastard child’ since my parents married after having my brother and I)
  6. In the chance we ever break up, I know I could not be a single mother (more to do with mental health)

I know at this point it would be best to sit down with my partner and discuss these things with him, he mentioned the other day “in 2-3 years maybe a kid could be in our future” and in the past has said “having kids in our 30’s”

Im just overall terrified and don’t know what to do..