Wtf were they thinking with False Son?
I have never been diffed so hard by one move in my life. This dude spends an entire phase and a half doing fuck all besides walking around and tossing some rocks at you, until he decides you're done playing and shoots a laser beam out of his head that's hit-scan and kills you in half a second.
If you can't get behind a pillar within a second as he's starting up the move then you might as well just Alt F4 because you are Fucking Dead . And even if you do get behind a pillar then this dude will just walk around it to get to you. Either that or the golems he spawned won't let you just stand there and hide; they'll knock you out of the spot into the boss's face melter.
It's like when the Seekers of the Storm was being play tested (for like 5 minutes), the devs came to the conclusion that the boss was far too easy, so they just gave him a move that requires him to simply glance at the player to kill them. Very cool and challenging.
Fuck False Son and fuck Gearbox. A roadmap to fix a shitty broken DLC is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in my life.