*spoiler* as someone who heavily relates to Carolyn, I hate seeing her struggle

As a girl who’s always been kinda ostracized for being “off”, I know how hard it is when no one takes you seriously. It leads to never really learning how to stand up for yourself and articulate what you want. Every week, it seems like Danielle/BobTDQ were bulldozing over her and now Rob. Watching her stutter trying to explain why they shouldn’t eliminate another Housewife but perfectly explain herself while in the confessional by herself was like a mirror moment. She’s a great traitor and she has the right game plan but she just doesn’t have the leadership to make sure her opinions are heard, regardless if ppl take her serious or not. Like when Danielle said why shouldn’t we kill a Housewife? And Carolyn just couldnt and Danielle dismissed her saying I have no idea what you’re saying - I was like ugh been there. Seeing her struggle to fit in has also been sad to watch, I think Bob from Biggest Loser is always mocking her I hate it. I’m rooting for her and I hope her confidence grows so that she can take more control of this game.