Phret at Hörfest 1983

Thought some might like some more details of Phret at Hörfest 1983.

We will get the full details soon I'm sure but Michael Hädrich of Phret was a finalist at Hörfest 1983 who went on to form Fex (it looks like) the year after in 1984.

This is the photo in the Hörfest document where I think u/marijn1412 found Michael's name (correct me if I'm wrong please u/marijn1412 !). I'm not sure if any other band members crossed over as well to Fex - but again we will probably get those answers soon.

This was a tough journey. This song has literally felt like it was hiding from us for years now. Lots of steps along the way: u/bluuely for posting the searches to Usenet in 2007, Dead Wax Records in 2017 and u/gabgaskins in 2019 for making it popular, u/johhnymetoo for posting the full version of the song, u/fliere discovering the 10khz line there that let us confirm it was broadcast on NDR, then the NDR Archives and playlists which help us confirm a date-range, then the Hörfest discovery which led to the Hamburg Archive discovery and the (unnamed) person who went there for 2 full days scanning 1000 pages of documents, and then the huge work put in by u/marijn1412 to find this needle in the haystack.

About u/marijn1412 - many of you don't know how many hours he put into reviewing Lydia's tapes - literally working out phase shifts for hundreds of songs to help confirm broadcast dates, and that he also prepared his own huge private spreadsheets of the Hörfest leads that he generously shared with me. Couldn't have been solved by a more diligent, friendly, and great researcher.

I'm very happy today! Thank you u/marijn1412

But for now the pictures,