Older Taurus guy so super nice to me
Just wanted some thoughts from fellow Taurus's, he is a full-time single dad and 14 years older then I am. He is very highly educated with a decent career, he's an extremely decent person who is very attentive and caring. All his previous girlfriend, including his ex wife have been high earning, career focused and highly educated.
I am a single mum myself, I am not highly educated, I am a creative person, more like a struggling, failing artist 😅 currently I have no career due to looking after 3 small children. I am also 100% full-time with mine as my ex partner has been deemed unhealthy for their development. He has anger issues and I was quite scared of him.
I just wanted to know why he is so enchanted by me? I read alot that Taurus guys want a go getter partner, high earning etc. But instead he keeps telling me how much I impress him by how I manage 3 children on my own. How organised I am. He always tells me how impressed he is by how much I am doing alone. He tells me I am strong and beautiful in everyway, he sees it clearly and he hopes that I will one day soon. I just don't quite understand what he sees, as I feel like I am struggling everyday and I don't have solid plans for a career yet. Why doesn't he see me as this big bad careerless red flag failure? Like I feel I am most of the time.