Returning player quick question.
I just came back to the game I left just after Nancy release, level 99 all perks level 3 blah etc.
Anyways I played a few games and noticed games don't last as long as killers have more tools and game has been balanced more I understand that, but is it fun for family to get a win but only have 1200-1400xp?
When I played eariler in the game life, games were slower, people fed grandpa etc, and family would be getting 3-4k xp even if you didn't kill anyone as family, with kills I've have 5500xp games.
I guess what I'm saying is making the xp / perk grind 4x longer worth how the state of the game is? Like I said I'm 99 perks done etc, I can't imagine having to level up getting 1,200-2,500xp only.