There is no counter-play to Hands. He's truly the new Intial-Release-Danny.

I'm sure the devs strategy is to release a character that is initially absurdly unhealthy for the game so you buy them, then take about a month or 2 to finally fix them when they have their sales.

  • Oh what's that, you successfully bypassed my electric trap and probably Hitch's traps as well and evaded our rotations and managed to do fuse box? And you have saboteur? Lol get ripstalled.

  • Oh no, when I take out the fuse/valve, it disappears from the game entirely. Better find the second piece so I can ripstall it again.

  • Oh you kiicked out gen and are making a run for it? Ripstall.

Truly no counterplay to him. Say what you will about Danny upon release because he was absolutely broken, but after his patch, you actually have to work to get the tamper off now. It takes time and patience. How often have you guys seen Danny actually tamper something and escape since his patch? Not very often I'm sure.