Using Switch and Switch OLED in public

Ok, Switch v1/v2 and OLED users, I'm talking to you. Jokes apart, Switch Lite guys, feel free to give your opinion or experience too!

So, I bought an OLED Switch a month ago, and I'm REALLY enjoying it. The way I can easily transportate it on a small bag is incredible. Even transportating it with the dock is very easy.

I had a lot of fun on docked mode, since I connected it to my bedroom's TV. I also played on my living room TV and on my uncle's TV at his home. The way I can "disassemble" and "assemble" everything in 2 minutes, makes it even more enjoyable. And I feel docked mode an essential part for me.

On handheld mode, I've played on car trips, family parties and in my bed too. I can say it's a great experience.

Now here is the thing: I've seen a lot of Switch lite users posting here saying the portable is something they use all the time, which I assume it can include waiting for a check-up at the hospital, for example. That's because it is significantly smaller and can probably be easily putted in a pocket.

But, with my full-sized Switch OLED, I don't know if I feel good on taking it everywhere, even though I wanted to. I wanted to know, from v1, v2 and OLED users: Are you used/confortable to use your Switch everywhere you go?