Edit: woke up early
FYI the threads I linked have probably been brigaded several times/people or mods deleted comments. When I originally linked these most of them were heavily upvoted. So ofc they've been downvoted to hell now.
edit 2: Link to whole thread
edit 3:NEWER THREAD!! EVEN MORE BUTTERY THAN THE FIRST!! Highlights at the bottom
Edit 4: THIRD THREAD!! This is the last thing I'll be linking.
The precedent that this trial has set is extremely bad. Murder 2 and Murder 3 can now be used for practically anything. Farted in public? Murder 2!
Found guilty, go figure. The jury were spineless cowards. This country is now ruled by mob mentality over facts. BLM is a joke. If I were a police officer, I would just quit. You are not protected anymore from doing your job.
When they said he was guilty on the 2md degree charge, I knew this shit was rigged. The charge doesnt even apply to what Chauvin did. If theyd called him guilty on the other 2 and NOT second degree murder I would have totally accepted the verdict. This is a total farce
The terrorists have won.
Prepare for massive de-policing and more destabilization. I guess the long-game will be to replace cops with guidance counselors and call in the national guard when they get too close to gated communities.
This was juror intimidation plain and simple. This is a disturbing turn of events, this man got an unfair trial.
The moral of the story is that if you’re a cop in a highly dangerous environment, you’ll get thrown under the bus and blamed for things because you’re white and your overdosing and sick suspect dies while waiting for medical care.
This makes less and less sense with every second. That jury was tainted. Tainted as Flint's water.
The fact that Chauvin was found guilty of this but OJ Simpson was found not guilty of deliberately murdering two people is just absolutely insane. The literal definition of systemic racism. Chauvin never would have even been charged if he was black.
Jury members will be coming out in the near future saying they found him guilty because they didn't want their city to burn down. As someone watching the trial, I couldn't have seen more reasonable doubt that Chauvin even did anything wrong. Glad to know a jury if my peers can be politically swayed now.
Derek Chauvin did not kill Fentanyl Floyd. Appeal time. *given reddit gold!
Pray for Chauvin. This guy is probably an asshole but he doesn't deserve to be thrown in prison for a felon overdosing on fentanyl while resisting arrest. *also given reddit gold
Second round of highlights:
Notice how it’s still the left having overly emotional and trolling reactions while the conservatives explain with rationale and reason why they think this is the wrong call. Let me know when the cons start burning shit down.
I FOUND MY FLAIR: Thats because the left doesn't operate in the realm of rationale and reason. All they do is gibber like rodents
This sets a bad precedence for future trials if this isn’t appealed and overturned. Now politicians and celebrities can simply bully and threaten a jury to “make the right decision” just to get their way regardless of facts or a fair trial.
What is wrong with this country??? Why are they persecuting an innocent man who was doing his job. Chavin is innocent! And:Seriously...if you have to ask why something is fucked up the way it is, the answer is almost invariably, Liberalism.
So what happens when cops just stop responding to calls period? Because that’s next.
To the children of the soy who keep messaging me, I can't read your messages so please continue screaming into the void lmfao.
Highlights from this thread:
The jury was intimidated by the mob, the media, and even the fraudulent POTUS himself today. This is a travesty of justice.
Now for the appeal. Jury was tainted. Personally think Chauvin was doing his job from the evidence. Just was very unlucky having to deal with Floyd after he ate drugs and resisted arrest. He can be charged with negligence but Thats the only fair charge. Chauvin made the mistake in working in such a criminal city to begin with.
Kangaroo Court
The jurors knew they would be hunt down and harassed or hurt if they didn't reach a guilty consensus. It's sick that BLM has enough influence to compromise a clear decision.
Now that we have a verdict, to loot or not to loot? That is the question.
Chauvin is the fall guy for social justice progress......
I sincerely hope every single cop resigns and leaves the city to their fate. It is clear that they do not want them there. I know that if I was a cop there, I would just pack my shit and go.
He will get off on appeal, jury was as compromised as they come.
You can thank Maxine Waters for flying 2300 miles out of her district to demand the jury reach her favorable outcome on threat of having the mob get "even more confrontational" and Joe Biden for being the most powerful man on earth weighing in on what the correct verdict is for Chauvin getting an easy appeal win.
There's going to be riots of celebration most likely tonight.
It wasn't murder at all. It was just a cop doing his job IMO
Final links from these two threads:
Damn y’all mad now...No, because we all actually accept the legal system. Unlike others who would have burnt down cities if it didn’t go their way.
Here we are, witnessing the failure of the rule of law in a country that was meant to be built upon it from the ground up.
Good to know we're now a country of mob justice. Sad day, really. I know if I were a cop right now I'd seriously be looking at other career options, when you can get convicted of murder for just doing your damn job and some junkie happens to die.
The jury's verdict is all that matters. This is how law works in the USA. Justice.
No evidence, he died of OD
It’s so weird how Reddit will ban right leaning subs for brigading, but just allows left leaning ones to do whatever the fuck they want.
Black people seems to think their lives will change after this. It won’t. They might feel good but all problems remain. Soon there will be another incident and it start all over.
Unfortunate news. This sets a bad precedent IMO. Cops have a very difficult job and need to make tough decisions in order to keep themselves and the communities they serve safe. Because of this verdict, cops will have less agency in order to be effective. The criminals won today.
This was a goddamn travesty. I gave up on my prospects as an LEO due to the verdict today. I'm sick to my stomach. There's no such thing as justice anymore. And honestly... I feel like all my other brothers in blue (present and prospective) can't risk this career anymore either.
Murder by definition requires intent, how can anyone in their right mind believe he intended to kill the guy? I expected manslaughter, but murder? Come on... The only saving grace of this BS verdict is that small business owners across the country can sleep easy tonight knowing that (hopefully) their shops won't get robbed, destroyed, and burned to the ground.
Third thread
Quick highlights
His defense was that he held the dead dude down and denied him medical attention while he died from an overdose. This outcome is not surprising.
Poor guy.
Justice died to a round of applause... I'm disgusted.
Verdict based on fear and coercion, not facts
This judicial lynching of Officer Derek Chauvin has profound implications for our country. This is a victory for the mob of savage animals and a striking blow to the rule of law and an independent judiciary. This is a victory for political interference in the judicial branch. It's a victory for a mafia style of judicial system that you'd see in Colombia or The Congo, where witnesses/attorneys/judges are commonly intimidated or even assassinated.
Our law enforcement agencies will suffer from diminished morale. There can we a big wave of police retirements and difficulty finding interested and qualified recruits to police departments. These developments will cause an explosion of crime, as criminals will be emboldened by weakened policing.
This jury decided it was best to convict this dude to protect themselves and their families. That much is obvious from the guilty verdict for the two murder charges
I can no longer have the drive to be a police officer. I do not want to fear for my freedom for doing a job. I’ve always wanted to be a police officer, I will not now. Sad outcome Edit: I’m not a cop, I was about to go to training for it. You fools always assume something
Hilarious how conservatives can be evil monsters calling for a murderer to be let free and a bunch of whiny crying babies at the same time. Rot in hell maga freaks
Salty anti American fucks, go watch Alex Jones and cry for your mom to bring you chicken tenders. Knuckle dragging fucks
America is literally being held hostage by one violent demographic of people and the rest are either to cowardly or indifferent to oppose them.
Have you noticed how immediately we get brigaded by brainwashed morons but anytime they post shit in their “safe spaces” we don’t do shit
The ignorant mob wins.
Maybe the dude being questioned by police shouldn’t resist arrest after consuming lethal amounts of fentanyl and other illicit substances? Is there no personal responsibility for the choices George made that led to his death? You live in clown world.
Called it. The jurors don't want their homes burned down and familys killed.
That's it for me. I don't want to wade around in the cesspool anymore. Enjoy the drama.