Inconvenient Truth about being Trans woman
After 5 years in transition, I don’t even remember my old self. Here there are some Inconvenient Truth I learned about being a trans woman
1 - Most People will change once they know you are trans 2 - Most men who claim to be attracted to trans woman are actually chasers (they have fetish to have sex with a woman who have penis) 3 - Transition is a journey not a marathon and passability depends of who you will meet (some people are obsessed with trans women and clock even cis women) 4 - People always assume all trans women want to have bottom surgery 5 - Most guys do not want to fully commit in a relationship with a trans woman ( society stigma and internalized homophobia/transphobia) 6 - Most transphobic men are deeply attracted to us (most of the time unconsciously) and fantasize about penis 7 - Cis women are the big haters specially if you are relatively passable and attractive 8 - Unfortunately the only way to have a “normal life” as a woman is being completely or partially stealthy 9 - The general public when they hear “trans women” automatically think about drag queens or femboys 10 - Men will do all the tricks to get you on bed. If you are a trans women is even worse. They assume you only want intercourse