Have you ever imagined who you could have become if it weren't for games?

Over the last month, I've been thinking about my relationship with games and the impact they've had on my life quite often. And I'd like to share some of my thoughts.

I realize that games have become part of my identity. They've dug deep into my behavior and decisions.

I realize that in order to change, I need to make a lot of strong-willed decisions that will seem unusual to me.

Have you ever imagined who you could have become if it weren't for games? For example, I've always had a bunch of cool ideas for things to do, but games have always been a priority. For example, I have ideas for cool podcasts, I have ideas for a couple of funny videos, I've always wanted to create music. But games have always been first.

And now, when games don't even bring pleasure anymore, I'm trying to change myself. To do more useful or at least more "Real" things.