Do you feel Ferren Barr goes too far in fighting the Empire?

During the Burning Seas arc of Marvel's 2017 Darth Vader comic, Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, we are introduced to a Jedi who survived Order 66 named Ferren Barr who causes negotiations with the Empire on Mon Cala to break down for the purpose of starting an uprising.

Mon Cala puts up a fierce defense, so the Empire resorts to bombarding the planet with Star Destroyers, hence the title of the story arc. Ferren was aware of this outcome; in fact, he planned for it. His intention was that the galaxy witness the Empire's brutality, which would inspire future rebellions. In addition, he planned for the Mon Calamari ships to flee the planet, foreseeing their use in the aforementioned future rebellions.

On the surface, Ferren seems a lot like Luthen Rael, except he doesn't feel shame for his actions. Instead, he feels proud to have planted the seeds of the Empire's downfall. He knows it won't happen soon and that he won't live to see it. He wants to start future rebellions but is prepared to die for his cause. Eventually, he realizes he will die on Mon Cala.

We know that Ferren's actions help the Rebels in the future, but his plot led to the death of billions. Since his actions result in the devastation of a planet, he is rightly portrayed less favorably than Luthen.

Is Ferren's mentality taking the idea of the needs of the many too far, or was he a necessary evil since if the Empire wasn't going to play fair, he shouldn't either?