How to beat Grey Knights?
I'm about to play a 1000point game next week against one of the nicest guys in my community, huge GK fan, and also the one that got me into the hobby. And I'm worried he will beat my ass, which will be specifically embarrassing for a Fenrisian like me.
Here's all the units I have at my disposal, I won't be able to bring everything due to point cost so tell me which are the best ones, and maybe how to use them.
Logan Grimnar - 5 Terminators Ragnar Blackmane - 5 Assault Intercessors Librarian Phobos - 5 Infiltrators Cyberwolf - Fenrisian Wolves Bjorn Murderfang Techmarine 3 Aggressors 2x3 Eliminators 2x5 Scouts / Wolf Scouts Armiger Warglaive
Thanks a lot, brothers Fenris Hjølda!