Seattle is the ultimate gaslight

A bit of a rant after living here 15+ years:

  1. We say we're progressive but have the most regressive tax structure ever

  2. We say we care about the environment but build highways right next to every lake and refuse to add decent public transit in any timely manner

  3. We say we care about human rights but have the worst homeless epidemic in the country we refuse to try and fix

  4. We say we care about nature and access to it but almost all our waterfront is private

  5. We have crumbling roads and infrastructure no one is addressing

  6. Everything from eating out to groceries to rent costs 2x what it does anywhere else in the US (except CA)

Is the PNW really that great any more? I'm struggling to see it after defending it for so long.

EDIT: maybe gaslight is the wrong word but I'm tired of people justifying all these things all the time