This Game Has The WEIRDEST Community
Every single person has their own special unwritten code of conduct and if you dont follow it you're doing it wrong, and everyone is always trying to tell other people how to enjoy the game. Isn't playing how you want to play the whole point of an open world PvEvP game like this?
I'm not even talking from like one side of the spectrum here. I've seen people who prefer safer seas get flamed for not wanting to engage in PvP, and i've seen people who prefer PvP flamed for being tryhards in a casual game and they're the reason everyone quits. Literally no one can cope with the fact that not everyone plays like them. And why do people care so god damn much about the loot? It doesn't even do anything?? Once you buy a ship and the cosmetics you like, theres literally 0 point in gold anymore. So why do people get so butthurt losing stuff? They care so much, yet they still want to stack 20 FoTD and not sell anything even though there's an outpost like 3 minutes away. Like just sell your shit every round if you care that much about losing any of it.
I dont play many multiplayer games, but Sea of Thieves is the only community like this. I would never play Halo, kill someone and have people going "But they didnt shoot first! They were just exploring you ruined their game!" Its just so weird to me.