A realistic Success story
Hey guys. Some of you guys might recognize my name, 7mage, I used to be very active in this sub. Just wanted to touch base one last time before I leave this sub and move on from sibo for good. Just for context, I was originally diagnosed with IBS before being tested and confirmed postive multiple times for both hydrogen and methane SIBO
Just to give an idea of how bad sibo was for me, I used to spend all my time searching the internet on every bit of info on Sibo possible. I took time off university and my job for over 8 months. I was suicidal at times and thought the I'd never be able to live a normal life with happiness ever again. I tried every single supplement, every diet, every stupid trick that we have all read as a means to cure sibo. Many of you can probably relate.
Unlike almost every other success story on here that gives a very strict guideline of rules to follow and list of supplements to take in order to "cure" sibo, I will gives you guys an alternative. I never technically "cured" my sibo,, I just moved on. I decided that I would try to live my life again without trying to follow an arbitrary set of rules to manage sibo that never ended up making any difference anyways.
So for example, I now just eat food. I don't try to time my meals or space them, or follow low fodmap , or taking artichoke and ginger and this probiotic and that antibiotic and berberine and blah blah blah .
Over time as I let go of the grip that sibo had on me mentally I began to focus on just living my life. And with that I began to sleep better, I began to be less consumed with an impeding feeling of doom and instead got caught up in the beautiful moments to moments of life . Fast forward about 7 months and it feels like a thing of the past. I take a proper duece every morning. I enjoy coffee, fruit, pasta, cheese garlic and onion powder etc., because It doesn't make any difference whether I avoid these foods or not.
**The only thing I do that helped me take my life back was learning how to burp to release all the bloat that builds up in the stomach . can't really explain how to do this, but once you learn how it will make a world of a difference. It completely eleminates all the discomfort that comes with sibo which is the main problem we are all dealing with. understand the feeling in your stomach of built up gas and how to focus on letting a nice huge burp out, and it instantaneously relieves you of the feeling bloat and leaves you nice and comfortable and ready to go live life.
That's why I say I never cured sibo. I didn't, I still have it, but I've learned to live with it. I honestly thought that it wouldn't be possible to live with this condition but I promise it is. I finished university, got my first career job and live everyday with sibo yet with a smile on my face. And that's why I wanted to make this post. Because all I every used to see was people saying they were cured yet they all have crazy rules to follow that never work for anyone else. So I just wanted to let yall know that you can actually live with this condition even if that sounds impossible or even if you are convinced the only way to get your life back is to cure this condition.
There is hope yall. I was rock bottom , now I'm climbing mountains again.