Where to find Burn-ring free cigarette tubes?
I recently learned about Fire "Safe" Cigarettes, and because of this even my go-to turquoise American Spirits are tainted with these flame retardant burn rings.
Thus, in an attempt to avoid the synthetic chemicals in both the filters and fire safe rings of off-the-shelf cigarettes, I recently decided to roll my own. I'm not interested in hand rolling, so I purchased a cigarette machine (Micromatic) and OCB "Eco" tubes.
Much to my dismay, the tubes, which were marketed as sustainable and "eco-friendly", still have what appear to be the fire safe rings.
I've scoured several online stores for tubes, but I can't find any that specify "burn ring free" or whatever.
Does anyone know where I can find tubes that both 1) do not have burn rings and 2) have a non-plastic filter?