A lot harder than I expected.

I’ve been addicted to a vuse vape for over 5 years now. I made the decision to quit because my husband and I want to try for a baby, and I knew it would be better to quit beforehand instead of waiting till I find out I’m pregnant. I am heavily dependent on it. My husband always jokes it’s my adult pacifier. 4 days ago I tried to limit my time of vaping. Vaped about 15 times that day (which was definitely limiting it because before that, I did it mindlessly, allll day long) 3 days ago I did it maybe 5 times that day, and now I have been vape free for almost 2 whole days (about 4 hours shy). This has been really hard for me. I feel like I’ve lost a friend, as dramatic as that sounds. When I was anxious, I’d hit my vape, scared, hit the vape, first thing in the morning, hit the vape, last thing before bed, hit the vape, before meals, after meals, etc. I can feel the cravings and I could burst into tears. This is so hard and I feel ashamed for how addicted and dependent I was. I heard day 3 is the hardest and I’m worrying that will be when I cave.