Many women want to be liberated feminists and trad conservatives at the same time

A lot of women these days like to cherry-pick the most beneficial parts of traditional social norms and modern feminism to gain optimal advantage. Some of these wild contradictions probably play a big role in why the dating/relationships world is so broken right now.


Women still want men who make more money and have a more prestigious job, while at the same time complaining that it's sexist and oppressive if men, for any reason, including merit, make more money or have more prestigious jobs.

This is a big problem for obvious reasons.

Many women still think it should be men's job to approach, initiate, plan and pay for dates to show his "worthiness". Guys meanwhile are rightly wondering "wtf aren't we equal? why's it still on us to make everything happen?"

Some women will claim that to go out and have alot of sex with alot different men, experiment etc. is liberation and perfectly fine. But then some of these same women will also act like a man so much as talking to, looking at or touching them the wrong way is a violation of their sacred chastity.

Now look at the family court system. It's still set up as if women are totally helpless without men's money and personal property. I mean, we obviously know this isn't the case. And at the same time, we allow women to initiate a divorce because they just feel like it or "aren't happy". This no fault approach wS never part of the traditional structure.

I think we've reached a point where feminists need to commit to one lane or the other. This cognitive dissonance needs to be called out. It's doing a lot of damage to both men and women.