This doesn't feel like the Project Runway I fell in love with.
It feels over produced. One of the charms of the show was you sensed that there was a natural rhythm to things, that the under story was allowed to unfold in a natural way. The judges, especially Nina Garcia, seem like their commentary is being geared towards hype and drama.
It's almost a credit to Christian Siriano, that he feels a little awkward, that his natural charm and wit are stifled by production, you can almost hear the director saying, "Christian, can you bring up the energy a little"
Some of the contestants seem to sense that drama and excess will get them more camera time, or that they are encouraged to fit into a stereotype.
One of the things I appreciated about the show, was the best moments were born out of production letting things happen, instead of making them happen, it doesn't have the same appeal it once did, or feel like the show I fell in love with.