Tips for nighttime potty training
My son is four and we're still wearing pull ups at bedtime. His pediatrician says it's totally normal for this age. All of the potty training research i did says to wait until they're dry for several days before transitioning out of bedtime diapers.
But I kind of have a feeling he's being a little lazy about it. I've been talking to him, trying to hype up getting out of diapers. I ask him if he feels like he has to pee at night time and he says yes but he doesn't get up. I tell him he can call for me and I'll help him but he doesn't.
Any tips on getting out of nighttime diapers? I'm trying to get him to go potty on his own. I'm trying to limit liquids at night time. Has anyone gone cold turkey? Any other advice for a stubborn kid? What has your experience been?
I'm really hoping to be out of diapers by the end of the summer. I understand if the kid's not ready for it, he's not ready. I'm not going to push too hard but I feel like he needs more guidance in this. Thanks!
UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback! I'll be more patient.