Never dim your light
Never DIM the Light of those who adore and love you for your true self, not what you have achieved in your career or profession, but rather for who you are at your core. You might be unaware, but there's a chance you have a soul contract with certain folks in this life who still see you as their light. You'll be able to tell how their face brightens when they see you happy from the inside out and turns expressionless, sad or blank when they sense your soul is sad even when everything is good at surface. Avoid doing this to your loved ones; sometimes, people just need to be in your company, and when they witness your happiness on a soul level rather than a materialistic one, their spirits light up.
They know you are not happy and the happiness you are deriving from materials is momentarily. Be the reason to give the glow in someone’s face. Be the reason you parents feels proud and their chest expands telling your story to others and seeing you being happy doing exactly what your soul have came here to do.
Cherish those who have the ability to see through the authentic core through the layers of deception and illusion. You will feel and experience freedom and nervous system will relax around them even if they are annoying you, you feel so secure around them that you unintentionally begin to insult and hurt them if they don’t comply to your ego expectations without having any fear as you know that it will be revenged back to you. You know shouting and ill treating them is okay as deep down you know they will not take revenge. That’s why you ill treat people, parents and your soulmates and around karmic you are always altered and act like their puppet engaged in keeping them and their parents and family happy as unconsciously you know if you don’t listen your peace is gone.
In your heart, you know your soulmates won't hurt you in any way. You don't feel that with those who are karmic or are not supposed to be in your life, you're living carefully with them and on eggshells not trying to annoy them otherwise your nervous system unconsciously is constantly in alert and careful not to cross their well defined boundaries since doing so would disturb the tranquility and atmosphere of the house. Think back on the way you have handled and acted toward your parents, siblings, spouse, kids, or any other person who is near to your heart and soul. These individuals are closed aliases that have a strong influence on your aura and psyche which you have sensed it, it either lifted your spirit or made it dull and low.
Learn to recognise people’s intentions, your energy can pick up subtle signs. Your heart will either feel expanded or contracted. You are either happy for no reason or filled with anger, guilt, resentment, shame, doubts, anxiety, fearful in their company.
You are allowing your soul to experience this. You hold the power to break the pattern that is no longer serving.
You glow differently when you are in LOVE VIBRATIONS, your aura will be magnetic and people will get attracted and would latched on the energy. You choose who you allow in your aura. Be the love you want from others.