What should I change?

This is my 55 (50 actual) gallon breeder planted tank that I acquired 2nd hand and have been converting to a planted tank over the last 6 months. I would love your advice for what to change to improve the look and plant growth. I have very hard water with a high PH. The plants that’s grow best for me over the last few years and in my other tanks are Cryps, Val, Anubias, guppy grass, and rotala. I want to upgrade the filter for this tank first, and I’m considering either an Oase or Fluval. Then I’d like to upgrade the lighting. I think the fish would actually prefer to keep the lower lighting, but this light isn’t growing the plants all that well. Especially would love to hear about lighting that brings out the blue color in these fish. Design wise I know I need to move the swords back as they look silly and are blocking the beautiful rocks. Thinking about removing the hide because nothing uses them. Any recommendations are welcome!

This is my 55 (50 actual) gallon breeder planted tank that I acquired 2nd hand and have been converting to a planted tank over the last 6 months. I would love your advice for what to change to improve the look and plant growth. I have very hard water with a high PH. The plants that’s grow best for me over the last few years and in my other tanks are Cryps, Val, Anubias, guppy grass, and rotala. I want to upgrade the filter for this tank first, and I’m considering either an Oase or Fluval. Then I’d like to upgrade the lighting. I think the fish would actually prefer to keep the lower lighting, but this light isn’t growing the plants all that well. Especially would love to hear about lighting that brings out the blue color in these fish. Design wise I know I need to move the swords back as they look silly and are blocking the beautiful rocks. Thinking about removing the hide because nothing uses them. Any recommendations are welcome!