FR#7 - ( The Newbie Chronicles ) 50 Approaches
Recently just hit the 50th approach mark. I should be around 70 or something by now but I took a break in December and focused on my other hobbies. Was trying to work on routines the last time.
However, wanted to start doing indirect approaching in this new year but I still wanted to hit the 50 approaches mark before doing so as this was the plan I had but I was at 44 since my last field report so I had 6 more approaches I wanted to get in with same direct approaches basically to get back into the rhythm of it all.
Approach #45 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Location: Supercenter
This one was the only one I did in December. High tier chick. Took me awhile to commit since my anxiety was so high. It had been almost 4+ weeks since I did #44 .
Almost walked away but turned around and said nope. Went for it. Approached her while she was looking at items. Had no plans. No routines prepared. Just straight up improvised.
Told her I thought she was cute and I forgot the rest of what I said. She said she had a bf and I replied and used same joke that she can still have another one lol and she just quickly turned around and walked away lmao.
I then did the walk of shame towards the scanner to finish buying my groceries lol. My anxiety was so high since it had been awhile and the cringe felt so bad (I'm somewhat addicted to this feeling at this point lol), I could barely coordinate my hands to scan all my groceries without dropping them lol but I fight it and keep pushing knowing this is part of the process. It had been a while since I felt all that anxiety after an approach. Not since the one where I completely froze up in front of another girl, at this same store lol.
Approach #46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Location: Supercenter
First approach of the new year. Just wanted to get one out of the way. Straight up improvised again. Just wanted to get back into rhythm of approaching again. An Asian chick in an aisle. I commit but then walk into another aisle almost backing out.
This approaching thing really requires consistency cause it had been another 4+ weeks so anxiety all time high again. I go. I say excuse me miss and told her I found her attractive and the first thing that comes out is to ask if she's taken SMFH! She says yes and I then back out. Anxiety wasn't that bad after but this is why I was trying to work on routines the last time lol.
Approach #47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Location: Mall
A couple days later during the weekend, I drive to the mall. Goal was still to reach 50 mark. Took me awhile to find a chick I found attractive. The 2nd approach of 2024. Walking throughout the mall scoping, I don't find one until this white chick walks by. I was hesitant at first because I wasn't sure if I found her attractive enough but said what the heck, turned around.
She was quite ahead but I was determined to catch up without running lol. I get close as she's nearing the exit and used my direct opener. As I say it, she's turning left right before the exit. I actually found her to be way more attractive up close than I thought.
After complimenting her and telling her I wanted to meet her real quick, she smiles but she says she is headed to the bathroom. I look to my left and see the hallway leading to the bathroom and realized I caught her at a bad time lmao. I tell her "oh .... this is awkward" lmao and I apologized to her and told her to have a nice day and turned around and walked away. There was a slight second where I thought of telling her I can wait for her lmao terrible idea.
Approach #48 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Location: Plaza/Sidewalk
A week later, went to this plaza I go to a lot. During the weekend there's a ton of walking traffic and plenty of hot college chicks walking by but I haven't approached anyone here yet so this was the first one at this location. Walked around and saw a cute Spanish chick sitting on the bench. Never approached a girl sitting on a bench before so I had no idea how to approach this.
So I walked in front of the bench but a good distance far enough from her and walked past her a bit so when I said something to her, my back was a bit turned and I had to turn around to say something to her.
I thought just walking up in front of her and also facing her directly would have been too aggressive. I say to her excuse me miss as I get her attention. She looks up and sees me. She replies yes? After I got her attention, I turn my body to her and move just a little bit closer and tell her my direct opener and that I wanted to meet her real quick and asked if she was down for a chat which I'm not trying to do SMH cause it gives them an immediate answer to say no. I gotta stop doing this.
She says something about why she's sitting there and I had no exactly what she was saying because my dumbass forgot to take out the wireless headphone out of one my ear blasting music but it seemed like she was giving a reply that meant she couldn't talk so I decide to use that to back out instead of prying more. Should have told her I couldn't hear her and asked again but nope, backed myself out immediately by saying "oh ok well you have a nice day" SMH.
Approach #49 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Location: Grocery Store
The same day, I decided to test out my theory that if you go to any college that all the grocery stores around them will be filled with hot chicks and guess what my theory was right lol. A bit of a drive but I go to another college town area and basically found more training grounds for me to rotate and go to from the usual grocery stores I hit up to practice my approaching skills.
I see a white chick that I like. She's busy buying something at the deli so I go off to the side pretending to look at chips lmao. I've gotten quite good at pretending to be buying something lol. She gets her items and stops by a rack looking at more items. I approach her from the side.
I tell her excuse me and proceeded to tell her I found her beautiful and would love to meet her really quick. I could see her eyes up close light up and she says "aawwwww" and smiles back but she replies that it was sweet of me to tell her that but she's currently dating someone. I tell her pretending to be disappointed in a playful way that it wasn't my lucky day and wished her a nice day and left.
Approach #50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Location: Grand Mall
The third one of this same day, headed to the mall right after to get the last one in to hit 50 approaches. Could not find a single girl I liked enough. Decided to approach a 2-set even though I'm avoiding groups at the moment but I wanted to get to 50 by the end of the day. I lose them in the crowd.
I decided to go home and as I near the exit, I see an attractive Spanish chick walk into a store. I tell myself ok this one. I'm hitting 50 tonight.
I walk inside the store and as I walk in she's walking back out towards me already. I tell her excuse me miss, and she looks at me but she keeps walking by and so now I'm behind her and I quickly say my opener while she's still in front of me and she's hearing it but she keeps walking and then turns around slightly to look back at me and gives me the hand signal that she isn't interested as I finished my opener. I get the signal and start going the opposite direction while laughing at myself but satisfied I hit my goal of doing 50 approaches.
Afterthoughts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So that's 50 total approaches I've counted since starting cold approaching around September of last year mostly daygame pretty much all very direct. I'll probably get more in depth with the actual numbers and results by the 100th mark field report.
Now that's 50 in a total in about a 5 month span granted I took December off so really 4 month span. Mostly would do an approach or 2 during the week and try get 3 during the weekend with my best weeks but there were many times I'd plan to do a ton during the weekend and there wasn't a single girl I liked to approach or most were in groups which I still am hesitant of doing so would go home without a single approach or just one.
Someone way more experienced could probably do 50 direct approaches in one weekend and get several numbers lol but I'm starting to get more comfortable and confident in actually doing approaches so my approach rate should improve with this next set of 50 but right now a faster rate isn't what I'm aiming for but just focused on building foundational skills.
I guess I can say this first 50 was really to get my approach anxiety down and I did a little bit with routines as well but really it was just to get myself comfortable and get my feet wet with cold approaching and desensitization to rejection.
So for the next set of 50 approaches, I want to focus more on in-direct approaching. I'll still mix in some routines that are more direct but mostly practice the indirect approach. Talking situational openers, opinion openers, etc.
I really want to get into more conversations out of these approaches to work my conversational skills with attractive women so in-direct is the way to go. Learn how to approach under the radar and get into a conversation and learn to build attraction and if they still reject me at the end, at least I got to work on my conversation skills out of it.
Direct did get me some conversations but it was a very low percentage. I think I did one type of indirect approach and that one immediately got me into a lengthy conversation.
Other goals as well include focusing on approaching groups. Working on eye contact pre-approach. Will probably practice at the mall with this one just giving chicks deep eye contact and smiling at them and then approaching. Basically give them IOIs before approaching rather than just approaching out of nowhere lmao. Really just experiment all types of ways and seeing the results for myself.