an... interesting book proposition from my professor

Hey yall, I'm sending out this post in need of some insight for this proposed project from my professor. I'm a sophomore in undergrad and go to a small private school with a similarly small physics program. I'm looking to earn my PhD and go into high energy/particle/nuclear physics research in the future.

This semester I took a renewable energy course, where my prof had us do a series of fairly basic labs that focused on mostly solar cells, with one wind turbine project thrown in. He recently approached a few of us, his favorites (lol), and asked if we wanted to write a book (a book specifically, not a paper) that would present our lab work along with our own writings that were integral in our lab reports. He apparently received funding to do so, and it would be published by a (german?) publishing company, not through amazon self-publishing like I first expected.

My main issue is that all of our labs came from one website (createenergy. org) and I worry that publishing, essentially, our class lab reports that were formatted from this website, would be blatant plagiarism. Our labs were not particularly groundbreaking or interesting either, mostly just optimization of solar cell arrays and the usage of different circuits/clean energy resources. On the other hand, a publication is a publication, even if it is outside my desired field of study...

Honestly, I am lost on the whole situation. It all just seems pretty weird to me, and I'm not sure how to proceed!