PUBG we need to adress cheating. right NOW

Yes, i have read the community care package from June. But nothing has changed. How long do we have to endure this state of constantly getting owned by the most blatant cheating scum in ranked? When is too much?

Every day i run into full cheater Squads. ATLEAST every second game towards the end of the season is contaminated with a FULL CHEATER Squad. Don't believe me? Just watch ANY streamer that plays ranked like Fuzzface itzzChrizz or anyone else for that matter.

And even if we report those "players", they get a temp ban at the very maximum. After that they are allowed to play again and continue on cheating. I have had cases where i get the same account reported as temporary banned 6 times and after that never getting the message of a permanent ban.

You guys must be fucking trolling your community to think we will accept this tragedy of a non-existing anti-cheat system.

Bonus rant: i tried to report people on but the players have not been banned. Apparently not enough people vote on those cheaters, so nothing happens.

i expect FEEDBACK from the pubg team HOW they are going to handle this issue and WHEN. people are trying to play this game to have fun, to compete against each other. but it's impossible.

Stop adding stupid shit in normals, FIX THE FUCKING CHEATING PROBLEM