Performance help
Rtx 2060 I59600k 32gb ddr4 2666mhz 144hz Z390e asus mobo
My game on lowest settings lags like hell and i get around 80fps only on 1440x1080p all settings low only anti alising medium and dx 11 enhanced and i have noticed when i turn on xmp my ram 3200mhz then my game runs smooth around 130 of avg fps and wont even stuttet but the sad part is that my xmp giving me bsod and i switched back to 2666mhz now again lag and stutter my cpu usage is around 80-90 average and gpu hardly goes 50-60.
My setup is not good i know but there are many of my friends with similar setup actually gets around 110 to 100 fps and no stutter which i am wanting pls help