Obtaining Every Card, Info for Spenders and Collectors (Genetic Apex)
I have collected every card. It cost $1500 to do so.
Completing the base card dex costs about $200.
It took opening 1741 packs and collecting 8582 cards. There is no reward for doing this.
I pulled 4 crown rares in that time, and had to purchase Pikachu in the pity shop.
I pulled zero god packs.
Collecting the final 3 full art cards took the most amount of time. Venasaur, Gengar, and Machamp. Full art Machamp was my final card.
I reached level 47 after collecting my final card.
Any other questions?
I have collected every card. It cost $1500 to do so.
Completing the base card dex costs about $200.
It took opening 1741 packs and collecting 8582 cards. There is no reward for doing this.
I pulled 4 crown rares in that time, and had to purchase Pikachu in the pity shop.
I pulled zero god packs.
Collecting the final 3 full art cards took the most amount of time. Venasaur, Gengar, and Machamp. Full art Machamp was my final card.
I reached level 47 after collecting my final card.
Any other questions?