Why are y’all scared to push?

Hello everyone. I’m a GM JQ OTP and I have a burning question for my squishy friends in the other roles. Why do you guys not like to push?

I’m usually in the frontlines, poking with my shotgun, tossing Gracie whenever it’s off cooldown, and maybe getting a lucky Carnage swing around a corner every now and again. Once I notice a squishy (sometimes tank but usually a squishy to start things off) making a mistake, I pounce so we can win. It’s almost a guaranteed elimination, but then I die. I wonder, “what went wrong? Surely they were supposed to die, right?”, then I see it. Everybody is far far away from the space I’ve made like I got the ‘Rona or something.

I’ve always believed that since there’s only one tank in the game, it would probably be a good idea to follow your tank and play with the opportunities they’re creating for you. It seems like, however, a lot of dps players and supports sometimes will just collectively decide to not want to play with the tank’s space. I get that some tanks are impossible to keep up with physically, but the space they make is all the same.

What is it, do you not like the way certain tanks play? Do you think that you’re going to carry by yourself? Help me out, tanks can’t solo like they used to so we need your help and you need ours to make moves. I promise you that if you stay close and listen to my callouts that the enemies will drop fast and hard, you just got to help me out with some of that sweet damage and a little bit of that life support bbg.

I just want to know if it’s a matter of people not understanding the importance of tanks or if it’s me not understanding why they wouldn’t want to play with me in the first place (besides the fact that I’m a JQ OTP).