Should I just pocket tank as support

I play support and my boyfriend plays tank. He is good and gets lots of kills and damage is an average I’ve 17/10 or something. He plays very aggressive often pushing far beyond the payload saying that it takes only one person to stay behind and push it. But I say okay so if Anna stays on payload and sombra appears and she’s all alone they are gonna take point. He discarded my point.

Also he gets very upset with me for healing other teammates and damage boosting dps as mercy. He often goes into 1v5s or leaves the entire team to fight point while he will chase a pocketed bastion into a room. Then be upset with me because I didn’t follow him into a small room with a pocketed bastion and instead stayed with the dps fighting the rest of the team on point.

There’s a lot of times where I can’t even follow him into a fight because he seems to forget that I’m not a tank and can be 2 shot easily.

His point is that everyone else on the team is completely useless and I should only heal him because aparently he is the only person that healing would add any value to.

Do you agree or no?