We have talked about overrated oscar nominees and winners films a lot. Now what is a most overhated oscar nominees and winners?
For film that won anything: Artist (2012) for Best picture. Personal i found that film pretty good for what it was and while i can understand the dislikement for beating Moneyball or Tree of life in Best picture but honestly it was a weak year and not even the worst nominated film here (Cough Extremely loud and incredibly close Cough).
For a film that was nominated for anything: Three billboards outside ebbing Missouri (2017). The hate for the "bad racist to good" policeman is justified but honestly i found it as a great film with great performances, direction and writting and honestly wouldn't be mad if it won Best picture that year. Also very Coens esque and i general like Mcdonag's works.
What other winner/nominated films do you find not deserving of any hate?