Orthodox Judaism and M*sturbation

It’s a bit of a weird one, TW.

So this is embarrassing to admit but I feel like I have a masturbation problem. I’m 16 years old and I’ve been told that it’s normal but I’ve started to feel a lot of shame and guilt when I do it. Not to mention the other psychological issues Ive started to feel because of it (depression, desensitisation etc). I’ve tried limiting access to those things and joined some anti-masturbation focus groups. I was wondering if there are any other fellow Jews who suffers/suffered from the same addiction and how they got over it. I would ask on r/Judaism but I had a look already and most of the comments on these kind of posts seem to just encourage or downplay it.

Contacting my rabbi isn’t really an option. Where I live there’s only a small amount of Jews, and the community is mostly “progressive”. Plus, the last time I spoke to him personally was around a year ago and I’d feel awkward talking to him about this kind of thing after this much time. Thanks.