Hey, VR enthusiasts. Please buy premium apps. It's now or never.

The industry is going through a transformation. Generation Tiktok has discovered Quest. Meta admits that their user base is increasingly made up of young people who prefer free-to-play titles and use their parents' credit cards for in-game purchases, and studios everywhere are having to lay people off because apps aren't selling well enough. VR gaming is in for a dark time if we don't do something about it.

So please buy triple-A games like Batman: Arkham Shadow, Skydance's Behemoth and Metro Awakening or all the great indie games from people who put so much heart and soul into their work. Let them know that you appreciate what they do, support them and like their social media posts. Signal to Meta that their billions in research have not been in vain and that there are still people who don't consider Gorilla Tag and Yeeps to be the pinnacle of VR gaming.

If Quest is dead, then VR is dead. Vote with your wallet.