The meta horizon app and whole system around meta/quest accounts is an absolute dumpster fire

RANT INCOMING: I don't remember the last time i have seen such a garbage ecosystem. A family asked me to help setup a parent/kid account, literally like 2 hours of trying to verify the accounts as being related and nothing fking worked. Website errors when cliking email links, redirect errors when redirecting after credit card verification, notifications not being sent, the quest not seeing the result. Okay cool, it randomly worked. Now trying to let them buy a game. And it just wont work, 50 fking notifications sent, all approved from the parent on their meta horizon app, nothing, still "ask for verification". Okay, lets try to just buy it from the parent account, the purchase wont go through after putting credit card and bank confirmation, it goes back to the game page. Like nothing happend. Amazing. Okay, i will gift him this game. Can't, it literally wont find the guy probably because he is a minor. What about a fking information about it tho meta. Maybe ill gift the parent account? But who the hell knows if this work as i see that the guy has job simulator on his quest2 and meta horizon but for some reason the parent doesnt?! And in their app it asks them TO BUY THE GAME AGAIN?! What the hell is going on. One of the absolute worst experiences with apps and system i ever had, from a FAANG company holy shit how is this possible. Facebook and messenger kind off work atleast, this piece of shit is held together by duct tape and prayers. I am blessed my account and my quest 3 mostly work somehow. Holy hell am I missing something.